Questions - Congress Members - April 27-28, 2013
5% Say Congress Made Up of Best and Brightest
2% Favor Congress Exempting Itself From Health Care Law
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National Survey of
1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted April 27-28, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Most U.S. senators and members of the House of
Representatives now receive a salary of $174,000 a year. Is that too much, too
little or about right?
2* A proposal has been made to exempt members of
Congress and their staff from the requirements of the president’s health care
law. Should members of Congress and their staff be exempt from the
requirements of the health care law or should they face the same requirements
as other workers?
3* Should members of Congress and their staff be
required to live under all the rules they write for the rest of the nation?
4* Is it better for America if the best people take
government jobs or if the best people go to work in the private sector?
5* Are members of Congress and their staffs
the best and brightest in the nation?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence