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Questions - Nurse Practitioners - April 23-24, 2011

45% Say States, Not Feds, Should Set Health Care Standards
67% Favor Expanding Use of Nurse Practitioners For Routine Care
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National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted April 23-24, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports


1* A proposal has been made to train and license nurse practitioners to expand the routine medical care they currently provide.  This would allow doctors to focus on treating the more challenging health care cases. Generally speaking, do you favor or oppose training and licensing nurse practitioners to expand the medical care they currently provide?



2* How comfortable would you be visiting a trained and licensed nurse practitioner for routine medical care?



3* If doctors were able to focus more on challenging health care issues because more routine medical care was handled by nurse practitioners, would that improve the quality of health care or reduce the quality of health care?



4* If the medical care that nurse practitioners were allowed to provide was expanded, would the cost of health care increase, decrease or stay the same?



5* Should the federal government establish a single standard for all health care regulations or should states establish their own individual standards for health care regulation?




NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence