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Toplines - Heartland Institute: Climate Change - November 13-14, 2019

Voters Blame Humans for Climate Change But Spare Air Travel, Meat Consumption
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National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted November 13-14, 2019
By The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports


1* How likely is it that climate change will be catastrophic for humans, plants and animals?


43% Very likely
20% Somewhat likely
18% Not very likely
16% Not at all likely
3% Not sure


2* Is climate change caused primarily by human activity or by long-term planetary trends?


48% Human activity
38% Long-term planetary trends
14% Not sure


3* Should federal or state governments punish with fines or jail time fossil-fuel business owners and/or executives? (answered only by those who said climate change was caused by human activity – 477 voters)


50% Yes
25% No
25% Not sure


4* Should federal or state governments require people to engage in activities that will lower carbon-dioxide emissions? (answered only by those who said climate change was caused by human activity – 477 voters)


76% Yes
14% No
10% Not sure


5* Should federal or state governments require people to limit their air travel to help stop climate change? (answered only by those who said climate change was caused by human activity – 477 voters)


34% Yes
50% No
16% Not sure


6* Should federal or state governments require people to limit their consumption of meat to help stop climate change? (answered only by those who said climate change was caused by human activity – 477 voters)


24% Yes
61% No
15% Not sure


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence, except questions 3-6 which have a margin of sampling error of +/-4.5%.