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Toplines - NUSA NV April 2024

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Poll of 869 Nevada Likely Voters

Conducted April 2-12, 2024

Rasmussen Reports and NumbersUSA

How would you rate the job Joe Biden has been doing as President… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?


25%          strongly approve

20%          somewhat approve

10%          somewhat disapprove

44%          strongly disapprove

1%            not sure


If the 2024 candidates for president were Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who would you vote for?


40%         Biden

43%          Trump

9%            Kennedy

4%            some other candidate

3%            not sure


Do you support or oppose the federal government’s goal of protecting 30 percent of America’s land and waters from development by the year 2030?


42%          strongly support

27%          somewhat support

9%            somewhat oppose

9%            strongly oppose

13%          not sure


Federal data show that Nevada has the highest rate of new development taking over natural habitat and farmland. Does Nevada still have enough habitat and farmland to continue that rate of rural loss, or should it slow down the loss dramatically, or try to stop the losses?


28%          continue at the current pace

38%          slow down dramatically

20%          try to stop the losses

15%          not sure


Which do you agree with more:  That it is unethical to pave over and build on good cropland or that the need for more housing is a legitimate reason to eliminate cropland?


60%          it is unethical to pave over and build on good cropland

21%          the need for more housing is a legitimate reason to eliminate cropland

19%          not sure


Thinking about water, Nevada has had the No. 1 fastest population growth since the 1980s.  How concerned are you that Nevada’s government will be able to ensure adequate water supplies for the expanding population?


48%          very concerned

33%          somewhat concerned

11%          not very concerned

4%            very concerned

3%            not sure


Nevada is the nation’s driest state. Cities and towns compete with agriculture for water. Should some water currently used to irrigate farmland be diverted to support additional human population growth in Nevada?


31%          yes, water should be diverted from agriculture to support more residents

52%          no, water should not be diverted from agriculture to support more residents

17%          not sure


Which is closer to your view, that a growing population should be supported by drawing more heavily on Nevada’s aquifers,  or that you worry that the state’s aquifers are already being over-pumped and depleted?


21%          you favor supporting growing population from aquifers

64%          you worry that aquifers are already being over-pumped

15%          not sure


Which should have priority for the remaining water in Nevada’s rivers – should the priority be the state’s  agriculture, its urban populations, or the fish and wildlife that depend on the river habitats?


24%          agriculture

28%          urban populations

33%          fish and wildlife

15%          not sure


A new study has concluded that Nevada’s fast population growth has been responsible for 83% of the habitat and farmland loss. Would continuing this level of population growth into the future make Nevada  better, worse or not much different?


13%          better

57%          worse

22%          not much different

8%            not sure


The population of Nevada has more than tripled the last four decades. Would you prefer that the state’s  population continue to grow rapidly, that it grow much more slowly, that it stay about the same size, or that it become smaller? 


13%          continue to grow rapidly

40%          grow much more slowly

20%          stay about the same

22%          become smaller

4%            not sure


A major source of Nevada’s population growth is people moving in from other states, especially  California. Should local and state governments in Nevada make it more difficult for people to move to Nevada from other states by restricting development?


51%         yes
34%          no
15%          not sure


Another major source of Nevada’s population growth is immigration from other countries.  Should the federal government reduce annual immigration to slow down Nevada’s population growth, keep immigration and population growth at the current level, or increase annual immigration and population growth?


60%          reduce annual immigration
25%         keep immigration at its current level
7%            increase immigration

8%            not sure


One way for Nevada communities to handle continued population growth without losing as much open space, natural habitat, and farmland is to change zoning and other regulations to funnel more current and future residents into apartments and condo buildings instead of single-family houses with yards. Do you strongly favor that change, somewhat favor it, somewhat oppose it or strongly oppose it?


17%          strongly favor
27%          somewhat favor

25%          somewhat oppose
21%          strongly oppose
9%            not sure


Building subdivisions to accommodate new population growth each year imposes economic costs on the existing residents of municipalities.  Do you favor paying higher property taxes to accommodate new residents in your community?


14%          yes
74%          no
12%          not sure


One potential way of controlling new growth is by limiting the number of new hook-ups to sewage lines and wastewater treatment plants.  Do you favor using this as a tool to manage or control growth?


48%          yes
32%          no
19%          not sure


In trying to reduce  population growth from  illegal immigration, should the government mandate that all employers use the federal electronic E-Verify system to help ensure that they hire only legal workers for U.S. jobs?


71%          yes
18%          no
11%          not sure


Do you live in a major city, the suburbs, a small city, a town or a rural area?


55%          a major city

16%          the suburbs

28%          small city / town / rural

1%            not sure


Where would you prefer to live?


28%          a major city

24%          the suburbs

43%          small city / town / rural

5%            not sure


How long have you lived in Nevada?


28%          whole life

16%          moved here as a child

55%          moved here as an adult

1%            not sure


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence