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Toplines - American Thinker September 2024 - Arizona

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Survey of 1,030 Arizona Likely Voters

Conducted September 19-22, 2024, by Rasmussen Reports and American Thinker


1* When thinking about the elections for President and US Senate, which of these is the most important to you?


  2% Not sure

  6% Violent crime

22% Border security

33% Economy

  6% Climate change

15% Abortion

  3% Global conflicts and war

  2% Education

  8% Government corruption

  4% Other


2* Which issue is the most important one for the next president to solve, abortion rights, illegal immigration, rising prices, or protecting our democracy?


18% Abortion rights

31% Illegal immigration

27% Rising prices

23% Protecting our democracy

  1% Not sure


3* If the elections for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?


45% Democrat

49% Republican

  2% Other

  5% Not sure


4* If the election for Senate were held today, would you vote for Democrat Ruben Gallego, or Republican Kari Lake?


47% Ruben Gallego

45% Kari Lake

  4% Other

  5% Not sure


5* If the 2024 Presidential election were held today, and the candidates were Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?


47% Harris

49% Trump

  2% Other

  2% Not sure


6* Harris Favorability


31% Very favorable

17% Somewhat favorable

  7% Somewhat unfavorable
42% Very unfavorable

  2% Not sure


7* Trump Favorability


35% Very favorable

16% Somewhat favorable

  7% Somewhat unfavorable

41% Very unfavorable

  1% Not sure


8* Democrat Party Favorability


23% Very favorable

23% Somewhat favorable

12% Somewhat unfavorable

38% Very unfavorable

  4% Not sure


9* Republican Party Favorability


20% Very favorable

27% Somewhat favorable

16% Somewhat unfavorable

34% Very unfavorable

  3% Not sure


10* Which of the two candidates in your view has a better character, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?


47% Harris

45% Trump

  8% Not sure


11* Which of the two candidates poses a greater threat to Democracy, Kamala Harris and the Democrats, or Donald Trump and the Republicans?


50% Harris and Democrats

44% Trump and Republicans

  5% Not sure


12* From which political party is the biggest threat of dictatorship or tyranny coming from, the Democrats or the Republicans?


45% Democrats

46% Republicans

  8% Not sure


13* Are you better off than you were four years ago?


34% Yes

57% No

10% Not sure


14* Will today’s children be better off than their parents?


17% Yes

56% No

27% Not sure


15* Is America safer than it was four years ago?


25% Yes

63% No

12% Not sure


16* Who is the biggest enemy America currently faces, Iran, China, Russia, the Democrat party, the Republican party, or domestic extremists?


  6% Iran

20% China
11% Russia

24% Democrat Party

16% Republican Party

13% Domestic Extremists

  9% Not sure


17* Which candidate do you trust most to deal with powerful foreign nations like China, Russia and Iran?


41% Harris

52% Trump

  6% Not sure


18* If given a choice between two candidates, one of whom favored granting amnesty to all illegal aliens and one of whom favored deporting all illegal aliens, which candidate would you vote for?


33% Amnesty candidate

51% Deportation candidate

17% Not sure


19* On the question of illegal immigration, is the government doing too much or too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays? Or is the level of action about right?

  7% Too much

66% Too little

18% It is about right

  9% Not sure


20* Who do you trust more to secure the southern border?


37% Harris

55% Trump

  8% Not sure

21* Recent federal policies have added about one million new permanent immigrants to the United States each year. Which is closest to the number of new immigrants the government should be adding each year –


23% Zero
31% 500,000

16% 1,000,000

  6% 1,500,000

  5% 2,000,000

20% Not sure


22* Which candidate do you trust most to improve America’s economic situation?


43% Harris

52% Trump

  5% Not sure


23* Do President Joe Biden’s economic policies, Bidenomics, make you more likely or less likely to support Kamala Harris, or do they not make much difference?


24% More likely

43% Less likely

28% No difference

  5% Not sure


24* Which is more important for the next few years, bringing down energy prices, or bringing down carbon dioxide emissions?


59% Energy prices

32% Carbon emissions

  9% Not sure


25* Which candidate do you trust most to handle America’s energy Policy?


45% Harris

49% Trump

  7% Not sure


26* When considering gender and sexual identity issues, which candidate’s values are closer to your own?


46% Harris

46% Trump

  8% Not sure


27* Do you agree or disagree with this statement: There are only two genders?


54% Strongly agree

17% Somewhat agree

11% Somewhat disagree

12% Strongly disagree

  6% Not sure


28* Do you support or oppose gender transition therapy for minors, to include hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery?


10% Strongly agree

17% Somewhat agree

12% Somewhat disagree

50% Strongly disagree

10% Not sure


29* Who do you trust more for your political news?  Major cable news channels, network TV news, or independent online sources?


26% Major cable news channel

19% Network TV News

35% Independent online sources

11% Some other news sources

  8% Not sure


30* Which cable TV news channel would you be most likely to trust?  CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or Newsmax?


19% CNN


27% Fox News

16% Newsmax
18% None of them

  4% Not sure


31* 2020 Vote


47% Biden

47% Trump

  6% Other

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence