Toplines - Christie and Teachers - April 13, 2010
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Daily Snapshot
New Jersey State Survey of 500
Likely Voters
Conducted April 13, 2010
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How
closely have you followed recent news stories about the recent budget dispute
between Governor Christie and the teachers union?
55% Very closely
35% Somewhat
7% Not very closely
2% Not at all
1% Not sure
Governor Christie’s proposed budget calls for approximately $820 million less
in local school aid. To help make up
this deficit in funding do you favor or oppose a one year pay freeze on
administrators, teachers and school workers salaries?
65% Favor
28% Oppose
7% Not sure
3* Are
teachers’ unions more interested in the quality of education or in protecting
their members’ jobs?
24% More
interested in the quality of education
66% Protecting
their members jobs
10% Not sure
4* Do
public employee unions put a significant strain on New Jersey’s budget?
52% Yes
28% No
20% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence