Questions - 2012 Colorado President - June 6, 2012
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Colorado Survey of
500 Likely Voters
Conducted June 6,
By Rasmussen Reports
*Please note that we split the survey to rotate the order of the
candidates, so while half will hear the Republican first, the other half hears
the Democrat mentioned first.
1* In thinking about the 2012 presidential election,
suppose you had a choice between Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack
Obama. If the election were held today, would you vote for Republican Mitt Romney
or Democrat Barack Obama?
2* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable,
somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Mitt Romney?
3* Generally speaking, How would you rate your own
personal finances these days? Excellent, good, fair, or poor?
4* Are your personal finances getting better these days,
or worse?
Should it be a crime for people to smoke marijuana in
their own home or the home of a friend?
6* Would you favor or oppose legalizing marijuana and
regulating it in the similar manner to the way alcohol and tobacco cigarettes
are regulated today?
Suppose that marijuana was legalized and regulated so that it was illegal for
people under 18 to buy, that those who drove while under the influence of
marijuana received strict penalties, and that smoking marijuana was banned in
public places like restaurants. With such regulations in place, would you favor
or oppose legalizing and regulating marijuana?
8* Suppose that, if marijuana was legalized and
regulated, it could be sold only in pharmacies. Drug dealers who sold marijuana
on the street would be subject to strict jail sentences. Would that reduce the
number of drug dealers in the country?
9* If marijuana was legalized and regulated, but could be
sold only in pharmacies, would you favor or oppose legalizing and regulating
Do President Obama and Mitt Romney agree on just about everything, agree on
most important issues, disagree on most important issues, or disagree on just
about everything?
11* Are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney the best two
people to be running for President?
12* When looking at a
choice between Obama and Romney, is it a choice you are excited about or will
you simply be voting for the lesser of two evils?
13* Do you agree
with President Obama on just about everything, agree on most important issues,
disagree on most important issues, or disagree on just about everything?
14* Do you agree
with Mitt Romney on just about everything, agree on most important issues,
disagree on most important issues, or disagree on just about everything?
15* How would you rate the job Barack Obama
has been doing as president…do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat
disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s
been doing?
16* How would you rate the job John Hickenlooper has been doing as Governor… do you strongly
approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the
job he’s been doing?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence