Toplines - Virginia Governor Election - August 10, 2009
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Prior Survey
Daily Snapshot
State Survey of 500 Likely Voters
August 10, 2009
Rasmussen Reports
1* How would you rate the job Barack Obama has been doing as
President… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or
strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?
39% Strongly
9% Somewhat approve
10% Somewhat
41% Strongly
0% Not sure
2* How
would you rate the job Tim Kaine has been doing as
Governor… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or
strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?
25% Strongly
31% Somewhat
22% Somewhat
21% Strongly
1% Not sure
3* In
thinking about the 2009 election for Governor of Virginia if the election were
held today would you vote for Republican Robert McDonnell or Democrat Creigh Deeds?
Without Leaners |
With Leaners |
McDonnell |
47% |
49% |
Creigh Deeds |
38% |
41% |
Other Candidates |
3% |
2% |
Not sure |
12% |
7% |
4* Favorable Ratings
McDonnell |
Deeds |
Warner |
Kaine |
Favorable |
23% |
21% |
39% |
32% |
Favorable |
30% |
27% |
24% |
22% |
Unfavorable |
18% |
25% |
17% |
21% |
Unfavorable |
12% |
14% |
14% |
21% |
Not Sure |
18% |
13% |
6% |
4% |
5* Which gubernatorial candidate do you trust more on taxes….Robert
McDonnell or Creigh Deeds?
48% McDonnell
30% Deeds
22% Not sure
Okay…which candidate do you trust more to cut government spending?
46% McDonnell
24% Deeds
30% Not sure
Fine…which candidate is more likely to confront Virginia's transportation
36% McDonnell
33% Deeds
31% Not sure
next….which candidate do you trust more on the issue of abortion?
39% McDonnell
27% Deeds
34% Not sure
9* In
terms of how you will vote in the 2009 Governor Election, how important is the performance
of President Obama?
28% Very important
16% Somewhat
29% Not very important
23% Not at all important
4% Not sure
10* To pay for transportation projects, do you favor or oppose
privatizing state run liquor stores?
42% Favor
28% Oppose
29% Not sure
11* Does
Tim Kaine serving as the Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee have a positive impact on his ability to govern, a negative
impact on his ability to govern or does it have no impact?
21% Positive
40% Negative
33% No impact
6% Not sure
12* Should the panel investigating the Virginia Tech shootings
be reconvened or would reconvening the panel be too upsetting to the families
of the victims?
24% Panel should be reconvened
48% Reconvening
the panel would be too upsetting to the families of the victims
28% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 4.5
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence