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Questions - Holiday Shopping - November 13-14, 2012

Americans Feel A Bit More Generous This Holiday Season
7% Have Already Finished Their Holiday Shopping
See Toplines
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted November 13-14, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports


1* Have you started your holiday gift shopping yet?


2* Have you finished your holiday gift shopping yet?


3* Do you generally finish your holiday shopping early, or do you tend to wait until the last minute?


4* This holiday season, will you spend more or less on gifts than you did last year?


5* How much of your gift shopping will be done online? All of it, most of it, about half, some, or will none of your holiday gift shopping be done online?


6* Will you spend more money on specific gifts for people or on gift cards?


7* What do you like to receive more…specific holiday gifts or gift cards that let you buy what you want?


8* Do you make any arrangements with friends or family members not to exchange gifts?


9* Do you consider holiday gift shopping a fun experience or an unpleasant chore?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence