Questions - California Mass Murders - May 30-31, 2014
52% Think More Help for the Mentally Ill Will Help Deter Mass Killings
National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted May 30-31,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed recent news reports about a mass
murder in southern California?
2* What will do the most to reduce the number of mass murders
like the one in California?
3* Is it possible to keep people diagnosed with mental illness
under stricter control and observation without violating their personal
4* Who should be most responsible for stricter control and
observation of the mentally ill?
5* Has someone in your immediate family been professionally
diagnosed with a mental illness?
6* Does the media cover mass murders like the one in southern
California too much or not enough? Or is the level of
coverage about right?
7* How would you rate the media coverage of the mass murder in
southern California?
8* Does the media coverage of mass murders inspire other people
to commit violent acts?
9* Can a free society like ours ever be made completely safe from a
mass murder like the one in southern California?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence