Questions - Common Core and Standardized Testing - June 21-22, 2014
54% Say There’s Too Much Emphasis on Standardized Testing in Schools
Common Core Support Among Those with School-Age Kids Plummets
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National Survey of
1,000 American Adults
Conducted June 21-22, 2014
By Rasmussen Reports
How closely have you followed recent news reports
about the Common Core national education standards?
Do you favor or oppose requiring that all schools
nationwide meet the same Common Core education standards?
How likely is it that the new Common Core national
education standards will improve student achievement throughout the country?
Who should set the education standards for schools - local
government, state government or the federal government?
What's the biggest problem in schools today - poor
teachers, bad curriculum, not enough funding, lack of discipline, not enough
parent involvement, something else, not sure?
Is there too much emphasis or not enough emphasis
placed on standardized tests in schools these days, or is the balance
about right?
Should all students in elementary and secondary school be
required to take standardized tests every year?
8* In many states, a school’s
performance rating is based on how well students do on statewide standardized
testing. Should student scores on standardized tests be the major factor in
determining how well a school is doing?
NOTE: Margin
of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence