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Questions - Electric Cars - February 21-22, 2013

19% Say Today’s Electric Cars Are Practical For Most Drivers
67% Think Private Companies, Not Government Help, Will Lead to Non-Gas Cars
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted February 21-22, 2013

By Rasmussen Reports

1* How closely have you followed recent news stories about electric cars?

2* Are electric cars today practical for most drivers?

3* Are electric cars as powerful and fast as traditional gas powered cars?

4* If you wanted to purchase a mid-sized car, which car is more expensive: an all-electric car or a traditional gas powered car?

5* Which cars are safer—electric cars or traditional gas powered cars?

6* Suppose it was possible to create an electric car that was safe, fast, and inexpensive. Would auto companies invest the money to make it or would government subsidies be required?

7* If consumers were interested in buying a lot of electric cars, would gas stations and other outlets open charging stations for the cars? Or, would the government have to set up charging stations around the country?

8* Looking ahead a decade, how likely is it that most cars will still run primarily on gasoline?

9* When a replacement for gas powered cars is eventually developed, is it more likely to be developed by private companies hoping to make a profit or by government subsidies and investments?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence