Questions - Income Taxes - March 23-24, 2015
Americans More Eager to Pay Their Taxes This Year?
Most Still Favor Tax Deductions Over Lower Rates
See Toplines
Platinum Page
National Survey of 800
American Adults
Conducted March 23-24,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* When will you file your income taxes?
2* Will you get a refund, owe money, or will you
pretty much break even?
This year, are your taxes being filed electronically
or by mail?
4* If deductions for
charitable contributions are reduced for wealthy Americans, how likely is it
that wealthy Americans will give less money to charity – very likely, somewhat
likely, not very likely or not at all likely?
5* In order to lower
tax rates, should all tax deductions be eliminated for all Americans?
6* Would
you favor or oppose a tax system where everyone pays the same percentage of
their income in taxes?
7* Would
you be willing to pay higher taxes to help reduce the federal budget deficit?
8* Have you ever been
the target of an income tax scam?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence