Questions - Public Schools - March 20-21, 2012
65% Say Most High School Graduates Lack Skills to Enter the Workforce
Just 23% Rate U.S. Public Schools As Good Or Excellent
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National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted March
20-21, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Overall, how
would you rate the performance of public schools in America today – excellent,
good, fair or poor?
2* How important is the
quality of public education to America’s future economic and national security?
3* Do most high
school graduates have the skills needed for college?
4* Do most high
school graduates have the skills needed to enter the workforce?
5* Do most public
schools do a good job teaching the traditional values of Western Civilization?
6* On average, do
children who are home schooled perform better or worse on achievement tests
than those who attend public school?
7* Do you have
children in the public schools?
8* (Asked Only to
Adults Who Have Children in Public School) How would you rate the performance
of your child’s school – excellent, good, fair or poor?
9* (Asked Only to
Adults Who Have Children in Public School) Suppose there was a private school
opportunity that would give your child a better education than public schools
and emphasized the traditional values of Western Civilization. If it cost
$2,000 a year, would you consider sending your child to such a school?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence