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Questions - Looking Ahead - March 17-18, 2011

18% Say 1930s-like Depression Very Likely In Next Few Years
21% Say Today’s Children Will Be Better Off Than Their Parents
Americans Still Have Mixed Feelings on U.S. Job Market
Fewer Americans Than Ever Think U.S. Economy Will be Stronger in Five Years
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted March 17-18, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports

1* A year from today, will the U.S. economy be stronger than it is now, or weaker?


2* What about five years from today? Will the U.S. economy be stronger than it is now, or weaker?


3* Over the next few years, how likely is it that United States will enter a 1930s like Depression?


4* How long will it take for the stock market to fully recover from the recent downturn?


5* How long will it take for housing prices to fully recover from the recent downturn?


6* Will today’s children be better off than their parents?


7* Is it still possible for just about anyone in America to work hard and get rich?


8* Is it possible for anyone who really wants to work to find a job?


9* Is it possible for just about anyone in the United States to work their way out of poverty?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence