Toplines - Unions II - March 13-14, 2009
National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted March 13-14, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports
1* If
workers do not have labor union at their company, how difficult is it for
workers to form a union?
29% Very difficult
28% Somewhat
15% Not very difficult
4% Not at all difficult
24% Not sure
2* Should Congress change the law to make it easier for workers
to form or join a labor union?
33% Yes
40% No
27% Not sure
3* Under current law, if enough workers express interest in
forming a union, a secret ballot is held. Is it fair to require a secret ballot
to determine if workers want to form a union?
61% Yes
18% No
22% Not sure
4* Some
people believe that a secret ballot vote is not necessary and that a union
should be formed whenever a majority of workers sign a card saying they want
one. If a majority of a company’s workers sign a card saying they want to form
a union, is it fair to form a union without having a vote?
32% Yes
52% No
16% Not sure
5* Suppose a company and their employees union cannot reach an
agreement on a contract within 90 days. Should the government be allowed to
mandate an agreement defining pay and benefits for that company’s employees?
22% Yes
53% No
24% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of