Questions - State Budgets - June 6-7, 2012
45% Favor 10% Pay Cut For All State Employees, 41% Oppose
49% Favor Public Employee Unions, 46% Oppose
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted June 6-7, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Is your
state having a budget crisis?
2* Is the
budget situation in your state better than it was a year ago or worse than it
was year ago?
3* Should
the federal government provide bailout funding for states with serious
financial problems?
4* To help reduce state spending would you favor or
oppose a 10% pay cut for all state employees?
5* Do you strongly favor, somewhat
favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose unions for public employees?
6* How closely have you followed
news stories about pension benefits promised to public employees?
7* How likely is it that your state
will be able to pay the pension benefits promised to state workers?
8* To pay
all promised pension benefits, will your state have to raise taxes on the
middle class?
9* You had to choose between paying
higher taxes to ensure that all pension benefits promised to public employees
were paid or reducing those promised benefits, which would you choose?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence