Questions - Workplace and Vacations - June 3-4, 2011
54% Say Men and Women Don’t Receive Equal Pay For Equal Work
49% of Workers Plan To Use All Their Vacation Time This Year
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National Survey of 588 Working
Conducted June 3-4, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Do you
work with all or almost all men, all or almost all women, or a mix of men and
2* In the
United States, do men and women generally receive equal pay for equal work?
3* Is your
immediate supervisor or boss a man or a woman?
4* Are
differences in pay between men and women primarily due to discrimination,
different levels of experience, different levels of ability or something else?
5* Do you
personally know of anyone who you believe has been denied a job, a promotion,
or increased pay because of their gender?
6* This
year, did you take a vacation, a
series of long weekends, a combination of both?
7* (Answered
By Those Who Took Vacation Time This Year - 301 Working Adults) Did you
generally come back refreshed or more stressed because of all the work you
8* How
often do you connect with work during your time away from the office?
9* Do you
plan to use all of your vacation time this year?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence