Questions - Global Warming - July 29-30, 2011
National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted July 29-30, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
How closely have you followed recent news stories about global warming?
Which of the following is most likely to occur to the planet Earth … a period
of dangerous global warming, a dangerous ice age or something in between?
Some people say we must take immediate action to stop global warming. Others
say we should wait a few years to see if global warming is real before making
major changes. What do you think?
Do scientists agree on global warming or is there significant disagreement
within the scientific community?
In order to support their own theories and beliefs about global warming, how
likely is it that some scientists have falsified research data?
Does the media make global warming
appear to be worse than it really is, better than it really is or do they
present an accurate picture?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence