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Questions - Eating Out - January 22-23, 2012

66% Believe Nutritional Information On Menus To Be Accurate
45% Eating Out Less Often Than They Were Six Months Ago
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted January 22-23, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports


1* In a typical week, how often do you go out to a restaurant for dinner – Rarely or never, once a week, two or three times a week or more than three times a week?



2* Compared to six months ago, are you going out to eat more often, less often or are you going out to eat about the same as before?



3* In a typical week, how often do you sit down with family members for dinner – rarely or never, once a week, two or three times a week or more than three times a week?



4* In a typical week, how often do you eat a meal from a fast-food restaurant – Rarely or never, once a week, two or three times a week or more than three times a week?



5* Generally speaking, when you eat at a fast-food restaurant, do you eat there because it’s less expensive, it’s convenient, because you like the food or some another reason? (Asked to only those who eat fast food at least once a week – 420 weeks)



6* Which do you enjoy more—a good home cooked meal or dining at a fine restaurant?



7* How satisfied are you with the service you get at the restaurants you visit?



8* At dinner, what do you consider a standard tip for a waiter for standard service—less than 10%, 10%, 15% 20%, or more than 20%?



9* How confident are you in the accuracy of nutritional information currently provided on menus by some restaurants?



NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence