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Questions - Egypt - January 28-29, 2011

Americans Put U.S. Security Ahead of Free Elections When It Comes To Choosing Allies
Most Americans Fear Fallout From Egypt Crisis But Want America To Stay Out of It
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults

Conducted January 28-29, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports


1* How closely have you followed recent news reports about the political unrest in Egypt?



2* Should the United States help the current Egyptian government stay in power or leave the situation alone?



3*  If the government in Egypt is overthrown, will that be good for the United States, bad for the United States, or have no impact on the United States?



4* Generally speaking, is Egypt an ally of the United States, an enemy of the United States or somewhere in-between?



5* How likely is it that the unrest in Egypt will spread to other Middle Eastern countries?



6* If the unrest in Egypt spreads to other countries, will that be good for the United States, bad for the United States, or have no impact on the United States?



7* What’s more important – for the United States to be allies only with countries that have freely elected governments or for the United States to be allies with any country that best protects our own national security?




NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence