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Questions - Automobiles - January 20-21, 2011

For Many Adults, Driving is Strictly for Getting Around

27% Likely To Buy An Electric Car in Next 10 Years

Ford's The Favorite Among the Likeliest of Car Buyers

See Toplines

Platinum Page

National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted January 20-21, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports


1* How likely are you to buy or lease a car in the next year?

2* (Answered only by those who are at least somewhat likely to buy a car in the next year - 250 Adults) Will you get a new car or a used car?

3* (Answered only by those who are at least somewhat likely to buy a car in the next year - 250 Adults) How likely are you to consider buying a car from the Ford Motor Company?

4* (Answered only by those who are at least somewhat likely to buy a car in the next year - 250 Adults) How likely are you to consider buying a car from General Motor?

5* (Answered only by those who are at least somewhat likely to buy a car in the next year - 250 Adults) How likely are you to consider buying a car from Chrysler?


6* When you purchase your next automobile, how likely is it that you will buy a hybrid car?


7* How likely is it that you will buy an electric car within the next decade?


8* Are you more likely to buy an electric car because it’s good for the environment or because of high gas prices?

9* Is driving a car something you really enjoy or just something you do to get from one place to another?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence