Questions - Income Taxes - February 23-24, 2015
More Think Middle Class Is Shouldering The Tax Burden
Welcome Back To Tax Season
Going to the Dentist or Doing Your Taxes - You Decide
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National Survey of 800
American Adults
Conducted February
21-22, 2015
By Rasmussen Reports
1* When will you file your income taxes?
2* How are your income taxes prepared? Do you do it yourself, hire
a professional or have someone else in your family take care of your income tax
3* Will you get a refund, owe money, or will you pretty much break
4* How concerned are you that the Internal Revenue Service will
audit your taxes?
5* Do most Americans try to be honest when they file their income
taxes, or are most trying to hide something?
6* Currently, who pays a larger share of
their income in taxes—wealthy Americans or middle-class Americans?
7* Does the United States have the best tax system in the world?
8* Which is worse, filling out your
income tax paperwork or going to the dentist?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence