Questions - Dollar Coin and Pennies - December 5-6, 2012
49% Support Dropping the Penny
Most Are Willing To Phase Out One-Dollar Bill to Save Money
See Toplines
Platinum Page
National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted December 5-6, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How
closely have you followed recent news reports about proposed changes in
2* A
proposal has been made to phase out the dollar bill completely and replace it with
a one-dollar coin. Do you favor or oppose getting rid of the one-dollar bill?
3* The
government estimates that it would save $4.4 billion over 30 years by getting
rid of the one-dollar bill and replacing it with a one-dollar coin. If it would
save taxpayers $4.4 billion over 30 years, do you favor or oppose getting rid
of the one-dollar bill?
4* The government has been making one-dollar coins for several
years now. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of one-dollar coins?
5* How
often do you spend a one-dollar coin – every day, several times a week, a few
times a month, every now and then, almost never?
6* How
often do you spend a one-dollar bill – every day, several times a week, a few
times a month, every now and then, almost never?
7* Does a
dollar still buy as much as it did five years ago?
8* A
proposal has been made for the
9* Some believe that it costs more for the U.S. Mint to make
pennies than the pennies are worth. If it costs the government more than a
penny to make a penny, should the
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of