Toplines - Israel-Palestinian Conflict I - December 30, 2008
Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted December 30, 2008
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed news stories about
35% Very
41% Somewhat closely
19% Not
very closely
4% Not at all
1% Not sure
2* Who is more to blame for the current situation…..
55% The Palestinians
32% Not
3* Should
44% Taken
military action
41% Tried
to find a diplomatic solution
15% Not
4* Is Israel and ally of the
63% Ally
3% Enemy
27% Somewhere
in between
7% Not sure
5* How
likely is it that this latest violence in the Gaza Strip will escalate into a
more widespread war between
30% Very
36% Somewhat likely
19% Not
very likely
3% Not at all likely
11% Not
6* How
likely is it that the latest military action by
17% Very
34% Somewhat likely
27% Not
very likely
9% Not at all likely
12% Not
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence