Questions - Gun Control - August 4-5, 2013
46% Favor Stricter Gun Control Laws, 46% Disagree
62% Would Feel Safer If Their Child Attended A School With An Armed Guard
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National Survey of 1,000
Conducted August 4-5,
By Rasmussen Reports
Does the United States need stricter gun control laws?
Will stricter gun control laws increase violent crime, decrease violent crime
or have no impact on violent crime?
Does the United States need stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws?
4* Would posting an
armed security guard in every school make schools more safe or less safe?
5* Who should
determine whether armed security guards should be placed in school—the federal
government, state governments or local governments?
6* Would you feel
safer if your child attended a school where no adults were allowed to own a gun
or a school with an armed security guard?
7* Do you live in a city, a suburb, or a rural area?
Do you or anyone in your household own a gun?
Do you have any children of elementary or secondary school age?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence