Questions - Free Trade - April 22-23, 2015
Americans Think Free Trade Good for Consumers, Bad for U.S. Jobs
Americans See Free Trade As Good for Business, or Do They?
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Survey of 800 Adults
Conducted April 22-23, 2015
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Is free trade good or bad for the U.S. economy?
2* Does free trade
create jobs for Americans or take jobs away from Americans?
3* Is free trade good or bad for consumers?
4* How important is
it to you when you buy something that the product is made in America – very
important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important?
5* Suppose a foreign product has better quality and a lower
price. In that case, would you be more likely to buy the better product or buy
6* Does the
government do too much to protect U.S. manufacturers and businesses from
foreign competition or not enough? Or is the level of protection about right?
7* Some countries pay their workers far less than American
workers are paid. Manufactured items from such countries often cost less than
comparable American products. Should the federal government place tariffs on
goods from countries that pay very low wages to their workers?
8* Which is a better
way for U.S. companies to succeed – free-market competition with businesses
worldwide or government protection from foreign products?
9* Who do
politicians listen to the most on trade issues--voters, business leaders, other
world leaders, or whoever makes the biggest contribution?
Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of