Questions - College Admissions - April 2-3, 2013
30% Think It’s Fair For Colleges To Give Admissions Preference to Donors' Children
23% Think Elite Colleges and Universities Accept Only the Most Qualified
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National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted April 2-3,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* In today’s economic environment, is a college degree
still a good financial investment?
2* Some colleges and universities give preferences to the children of people who attended that college. Is it fair for colleges and universities to give preferences to the children of previous students?
3* Some colleges and universities give preferences to the children of people who make large donations to the college. Is it fair for colleges and universities to give preferences to the children of large donors?
4* What is better for higher education in the United States…colleges and universities accepting only the most qualified students for admission or colleges and universities giving preferences to the children of those who previously attended the school?
5* When considering a student for admission to a college or university, should the admissions department know how much money the student’s parents donate each year?
6* Colleges and universities receive large amounts of financial aid and subsidies from the government. If a college or university gives special preference to the children of parents who previously attended the school, should the school lose its financial aid and subsidies?
7* Most donations to colleges and universities are tax deductible. If a college or university gives special preference to the children of large donors, should those donations still be tax deductible?
8* Do schools like Harvard and Yale accept only the most qualified students, or do they give special preferences to the children of prior students and large donors?
9* What is a bigger problem in colleges and universities today? Is it that schools give preferences to minority students or that schools give preferences to the children of large donors?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence