Questions - Trayvon Martin - April 11-12, 2012
39% Say Community Watch Officers Should Be Allowed To Carry A Gun
39% Think Media Has Done Poor Job Covering Trayvon Martin Death
33% Expect Zimmerman To Be Convicted of Murder in Trayvon Martin Case
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted April 11-12, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How
closely have you followed recent news reports about a shooting incident in
2* From what you know of the case, was the man who was killed
white, black or Hispanic?
3* Was the man who did the shooting white, black or Hispanic?
4* From what you know, should the man who killed Trayvon Martin be found guilty of murder or was he acting
in self-defense?
5* Regardless
of what you think should happen, will the legal system determine that the man
who killed Trayvon Martin is guilty of murder or will
the system decide he acted in self-defense?
6* Should
volunteer community watch officers be allowed to carry a gun while on
How would you rate the media coverage of the Trayvon
Martin case – excellent, good, fair, poor?
8* Who do
you trust more to determine the guilt or innocence of someone accused of
criminal behavior—a judge or a jury?
9* Does the
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error,
+/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence