Questions - Jury Duty - April 8-9, 2011
72% of Adults Who Served On A Jury Liked Experience
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted April 8-9, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Have
you ever been summoned for jury duty?
2* Did you try to get out of jury duty? (Only Answered By Those
Who Served on a Jury - 670 Adults)
3* Were you eventually selected to actually serve on a jury? (Only
Answered By Those Who Served on a Jury - 670 Adults)
4* How
would you rate the experience of serving on a jury – excellent, good, fair, or
poor? (Only Answered By Those Who Served on a Jury - 258 Adults)
5* Looking
back, how confident are you that your jury reached the right decision? (Only
Answered By Those Who Served on a Jury - 258 Adults)
6* Who do you trust more to determine the guilt or innocence of
someone accused of criminal behavior—a judge or a jury?
7* Is serving on a jury one of the responsibilities required of
an American citizen, or is it just a hassle?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error,
+/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence