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Questions - Housing - April 14-15, 2011

Only 51% See Buying A Home As Family’s Best Investment
Just 50% Believe Their Home is Worth More Than Mortgage
Platinum Page

National Survey of 709 Adult Homeowners
Conducted April 14-15, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports

1* Looking ahead over the next year, is the value of your home likely to go up, go down, or remain about the same?

2* What about over the next five years? Is the value of your home likely to go up, go down, or remain about the same?

3* Is the value of your home worth more than the amount you owe on your mortgage?


4* How confident are you that you know how much your home is worth in today’s market?


5* Is your home worth more money today than when you bought it, less than when you bought it, or about the same as when you bought it?


6* How long ago did you buy your home?



National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted April 14-15, 2011

By Rasmussen Reports



1* Generally speaking, is this a good time for someone in your area to be selling a house?

2* Is buying a home the best investment most families can make?