48% Want Lifetime Ban on Regulators Working For Companies They Oversee
National Survey
1,000 Adults
Conducted June
17-18, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
Generally speaking, do government regulators apply the law fairly to all or do
they let their own personal biases affect how they apply the rules?
2* Some people believe regulators should be banned from going to work for the companies they oversee. Should
there be a lifetime ban on regulators working for companies they regulate, a
five-year ban, or no ban on regulators working for companies they regulate?
3* Should members of Congress be required to
publicly disclose all meetings and contacts with regulators and government
4* Is it a good idea to let government regulators pass
rules without requiring approval from Congress?
5* Should all new regulations approved by government
agencies every year require approval from Congress before they can go into
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence