Questions - FCC and Inappropriate Content - January 10-11, 2012
64% Favor FCC Regulation of TV and Radio
See Toplines
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National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted January 10-11, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* In a
typical week how often do you watch television - Rarely or never, occasionally,
at least once a week, several times a week, every day or nearly every day, not
2* Should
the Federal Communication Commission be allowed to regulate profanity,
violence, and sexual content on TV and radio?
3* How
good a job does the FCC do in regulating profanity, violence and sexual content
on TV and radio – excellent, good, fair, poor?
4* Is
their too much profanity, violence and sexual content on TV and radio today?
5* When
thinking about inappropriate content on television today, what is the biggest
problem - profanity, sexual content or violence?
6* Who is
more responsible for the level of objectionable content on TV today – the
makers of TV programs, the networks, advertisers, or those who watch programs
with objectionable content?
7* Is the
current TV ratings system an effective way to warn viewers of possible
objectionable content?
8* Are you
less likely to watch a program following a warning that it contains
objectionable content or more likely to watch a program following a warning
that is contains objectionable content?
9* What is
more important, protecting freedom of speech or protecting children from indecency on television and radio?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence